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Energy consumption of 2000 key enterprises to be adjusted
Chủ nhật, 07/11/2010 - 22:23
According to statistics, every year, the country has to import 6 million tons of petroleum, 40% of which is for transportation industry. The annual costs of importing petroleum and producing electricity have accounted for one fifth of total GDP of the country and has now “consumed” all GDP of the agricultural sector. The objects which consume much energy are the Industry (consumes 47%), transportation (20%) and households (15%) ...

From the date of January 1st 2011, when the Law on Energy Efficiency and Conservation is enforced,  2,000 key enterprises which consume 3 million KW electricity or 1,000 tons of petroleum per year, will be subject to the Law.


According to statistics, every year, the country has to import 6 million tons of petroleum, 40% of which is for transportation industry. The annual costs of importing petroleum and producing electricity have accounted for one fifth of total GDP of the country and has now “consumed” all GDP of the agricultural sector. The objects which consume much energy are the Industry (consumes  47%), transportation  (20%) and households (15%) ...

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Therefore, the Law on Energy Efficiency and Conservation which will be enforced from January 1st 2011 will focus on adjusting these sectors. In the short term, 2,000 key enterprises which consume 3 million KW electricity or 1,000 tons of petroleum per year will be subject to this law.

Notably, up to 1,200 key enterprises are in the Transportation sector; hundreds of businesses in the fields of cement and steel are using old and backward technologies which have huge energy and oil consumption and  they need to consider replacing and upgrading production technology.


In addition to causing the shortage of energy for the process of economic - social development, these key enterprises are also contributing to increasing the prices of goods and services while prices of gasoline, coal and electricity are rising.

By Minh Duc