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Students reduce energy use at MAST
Thứ tư, 10/11/2010 - 19:14
Students at MAST Academy recently compared energy consumption at the school between 2009 and 2010 for the August/Sept period. The total energy consumed by the school during the 2008-2009 school year from August through September was 3,228,120 KWH. This was reduced to 2,514,600 KWH during the year 2009-2010, a decrease of 22% of energy usage.

Students at MAST Academy recently compared energy consumption at the school between 2009 and 2010 for the August/Sept period.

The total energy consumed by the school during the 2008-2009 school year from August through September was 3,228,120 KWH. This was reduced to 2,514,600 KWH during the year 2009-2010, a  decrease of 22% of energy usage.

The amount of money saved was $87,521, equivalent to over 750 new textbooks, 145 new computers, or 2 new teachers for the school.

In addition, the school not only saved money, it reduced the emissions of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by 998,928 lbs. Most scientists believe CO2 contributes to global warming.

MAST green roof 2.jpg

"Companies, school, large groups and organizations are always searching for ways to cut their spending and save money. Yet, none seem to take energy conservation seriously," wrote students Yurimar Jaen, Hannah Zosman and Brian Flowers, from the Solar Energy II class.

"Just how much of a difference can it make? Our school is an answer to this question. It is a model of the effectiveness of applying energy conservation," they add.


The initiators of the project were students, who set out to decrease energy consumption and apply methods of saving energy. They researched and analyzed the stats of the lighting and temperature in each room and around the school and used the information to receive permission to install energy efficient bulbs.  The other action taken was to fix a problem with the air-conditioning.


"Designing and implementing plans to reduce energy consumption and increase saving should be a top priority within the district," the students say. "Applying energy conservation in all school districts, large and small would prevent millions of pounds of CO2 from being emitted and hundreds of millions of dollars from being carelessly wasted; the saving could be used to further improve our education system and the future of our nation."

