In order to realize power savings and to ensure stable and safe power supply, in the early months of 2015, Gia Lai Power Company is drastically implementing its communication programs for power savings.
Specifically, at the beginning of the year, Gia Lai Power Company continued its coordination with Gia Lai Department of Education and Training to conduct the power-saving communication in school extracurricular activities among nearly 30,000 students.

A power-saving promotional event
at Nguyen Binh Khiem Secondary School in Kbang District
To enhance the effects of communication sessions for power savings, Gia Lai Power Company has prepared the communication contents well in various forms, diversified contents; organization of training in knowledge and communication skills for facilitators and communicators; with assignment given to specific units and individuals.
Then, in March in response to the campaign "Earth Hour 2015" and "Power saving communication week", Gia Lai Power Company disseminated the campaign messages to its officers and employees so that they could encourage their families, friends and neighbors to participate in the campaign, calling for people to voluntarily turn off the unused lights and electrical equipment in the house.

Phu Dong Square in the center of Pleiku city in response to Earth Hour 2015
Aiming at raising public awareness about safety, savings and efficiency in electrical usage, for the sustainable development of the country, and action in power saving and efficiency in daily life, Gia Lai Power Company rolled out its support program to replace 2,350 incandescent bulbs for 1,792 households during the end of February 2015.
Do Trong Tan