To ensure sufficient power supply during the dry season, serving people's living, production and business of enterprises, Dak Lak PPC requires the local agencies, units, to be serious in power use.
Dak Lak Provincial People' Committee (PPC) has issued a Official Letter No. 2211/UBND-CN, dated April 07, 2015 dispatched to departments, industries and local organizations, districts and communes, People's Committees of districts, towns, city, and the Electricity Company of Dak Lak on the use of power with savings and efficiency.

Accordingly, departments, agencies and the People's Committees of districts, towns and city are about to develop regulations and plans to use electricity with efficiency. The undergoing measures include: turning off the power when appliances are not in use, making use of natural light, natural wind resources, reducing lights in the lobby area, gardens, and yards, setting the air-conditioning temperature at 25°C.
At the same time, the People's Committees of districts, towns and city are accountable for strengthening the monitor and inspection over the power supply and use locally. In addition, these units should coordinate with local electricity distributors to improve the communication with people about power savings and efficiency.
Especially, Dak Lak Department of Industry and Trade must enhance the communication plan on power savings in schools, institutions, enterprises which have electricity consumption capacity of over 30 thousand kWh/year.
Do Trong Tan