London Mayor Boris Johnson has launched a tool for public sector organisations to make homes more energy efficient.
Under the framework RE:NEW, launched in 2009, it has picked 11 suppliers which will provide retrofit solutions to public sector landlords such as London boroughs, housing associations and universities.
Some of the suppliers taking part in the scheme are Climate Energy, Ecologic-Energy, Keepmoat, Kier Group PLC and Lakehouse.
They will help install low carbon technologies such as LED lighting, solar panels, new upgraded boilers, insulation and double glazing.
The Mayor expects to deliver up to £1.6 billion of home energy improvements which will make them warmer and reduce bills.

Richard Blakeway, Deputy Mayor for Housing, Land and Property said: “With social landlords facing pressures to make efficiencies on their operating costs, we want to support partners to continue to prioritise energy saving programmes – reducing the energy bills of occupiers and cutting carbon emissions.
“By establishing the framework, we are able to speed up the delivery of domestic retrofitting and I encourage public sector organisations to get on board and use the support available.”
Some of the projects supported by the programme are a £7 million project in Hackney for a communal gas heating network or the installation of solar panels in Wandsworth.
The Mayor claims RE:NEW has helped improve more than 111,000 London homes, saving more than 30,000 tonnes of carbon emissions per year since its establishment.
It is also expected to help London achieve its target of cutting carbon emissions by 60% by 2025.
Mai Lan