Energy efficiency and conservation usage is an important aspect of the national energy development strategy
Thứ ba, 05/03/2024 - 14:04
The national energy development strategy of Vietnam by 2030, with a vision to 2045, aims to achieve an energy saving ratio of approximately 7 - 10% of the total final energy consumption compared to the business-as-usual scenario by 2030, and about 14 - 20% by 2045.
On March 1, 2024, the Prime Minister signed Decision No. 215/QĐ-TTg approving the national energy development strategy of Vietnam until 2030, with a vision to 2045.
Accordingly, the perspective on Vietnam's energy development by 2030, with a vision to 2045, clearly states that using energy efficiently, and environmentally friendly must be regarded as an important national policy and the responsibility of the whole society. Enhancing energy audits; building synchronized mechanisms and policies, with strong and feasible sanctions to encourage investment and the use of energy-saving, environmentally friendly technologies, and equipment, contributing to promoting labor productivity and innovating the growth model.
The strategy specifies the goal of achieving an energy-saving ratio of approximately 7 - 10% of the total final energy consumption compared to the business-as-usual scenario by 2030 and about 14 - 20% by 2045.
Regarding energy efficiency and conservation usage, the strategy includes reviewing and perfecting the system of economic and technical norms for constructing energy-saving buildings; establishing an evaluation and certification system for Energy Efficient Construction; setting up standards, evaluations, and energy labeling for construction material products that require insulation used in construction.
Research, develop, and issue mechanisms, policies, and legal regulations for the business model of Energy Service Company (ESCO). Review, amend, supplement, and perfect the system of standards and technical regulations on the use of energy efficiency and conservation. Organize training, and guide the inspection, supervision, urging, and evaluation of the implementation results of legal regulations on the use of energy energy efficiency and conservation for relevant subjects.
Additionally, the Decision requires the enhancement of inspection, supervision, and evaluation of compliance with laws on the use of energy efficiency and conservation for individuals and organizations subject to regulation by the Law on Using Energy Efficiency and Conservation and its subordinate documents.
Develop a handbook to guide the inspection, supervision, and evaluation of compliance with legal regulations on the use of energy efficiency and conservation. Enhance the reception of technical support, technology transfer, and training of human resources in energy-saving activities. Seek, mobilize, and implement technical support projects and investment support projects related to the use of energy efficiency and conservation.
Research, develop, and propose the establishment of a Fund to promote the use of energy efficiency and conservation, based on mobilizing resources from both domestic and international sources to support the deployment of energy-saving in Vietnam. Study the supplementation and adjustment of mechanisms and specific sanctions in monitoring the electricity usage plans for high-energy-consuming facilities (including key energy-using facilities), to promote the use of energy efficiency and conservation.
Some specific goals of the Strategy include: - Meeting the domestic energy needs to support the objectives of the 10-year Socio-Economic Development Strategy 2021 - 2030, with primary energy supply reaching about 150 - 170 million tons of oil equivalent (TOE) by 2030 and about 260 - 280 million TOE by 2045. - The proportion of renewable energy in the total primary energy supply is 15 - 20% by 2030 and 65 - 70% by 2045. - Developing a smart, efficient electricity system capable of securely connecting to the regional power grid; ensuring safe electricity supply, meeting the N-1 criteria for important load areas and N-2 for especially important load areas. By 2030, the reliability of electricity supply is among the top 4 leading countries in ASEAN, and the electricity access index is among the top 3 leading countries in ASEAN. - The energy-saving ratio of the total final energy consumption compared to the business-as-usual scenario is about 7 - 10% by 2030 and about 14 - 20% by 2045. - Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from energy activities compared to the business-as-usual scenario by 15 - 35% by 2030, reaching 70 - 80% by 2045. |
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