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Energy efficiency results in Dong Nai
Thứ sáu, 15/10/2010 - 21:22
Dong Nai is a province which has rapid economic growth with over 10 thousand enterprises in operation. Not only energy consumption but also the risk of environmental pollution is significantly high. Therefore, the goal of cleaner production, energy efficiency and conservation in production and consumption has been seriously implemented and brought positive results.

Dong Nai is a province which has rapid economic growth with over 10 thousand enterprises in operation. Not only energy consumption but also the risk of environmental pollution is significantly high. Therefore, the goal of cleaner production, energy efficiency and conservation in production and consumption has been seriously implemented and brought positive results.


Response from enterprises


In addition to the National program on energy efficiency and conservation, Dong Nai is currently implementing several projects on energy efficiency such as Promoting Energy Conservation in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises, Pilot Program on Commercial Energy Efficiency.


At the end of 2009, energy audit results of 20 companies around the province showed that energy saving measures helped save VND 3,400 million and reduce 1,560 tons of CO2 emissions per year.

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It has been estimated that some energy saving measures such as istalling inverters for motors, maintaining furnace systems in paper production can reduce emissions and 20% of electricity consumption per month. For the lighting system at production facilities, replacing lighting devices which consume much power with compact lights which save energy while maintaining the brightness and durability can reduce monthly electricity consumption by 10 - 15%.


Mr Dang Ba Manh, Deputy head of the Center for Scientific and Technological Application’s  Energy Efficiency Office, said: "Actual results of energy efficiency in some enterprises operating in the field of paper and pulp production, food processing, textile and brick production have shown that, investing in solutions that have been proposed by the center, businesses have retrieved capital after only a year. Enterprises have reduced not only cost for energy but also environmental pollution; production costs have been lowered, increasing profits significantly".


Realizing the great potential from the implementation of energy efficiency, businesses in the area have actively participated in energy efficiency projects since they were deployed. Until now, many businesses have become examples of cleaner production and energy efficiency, such as Hung Long Paper Co. Ltd. (Long Thanh district), Dong Vuong paper manufacturing establishment (Vinh Cuu district), agriculture production and animal food processing facility (Bien Hoa 1 Industrial Zone).


Mr Tu Van Tham, Deputy Managing Director of Xuan Lap Rubber Factory (Dong Nai Rubber Joint Stock Company), said: "In 2007, the factory began to apply cleaner production process, saving quite a lot of power, DO oil, water, and stench was reduced by over 90%. Wastewater from production has been treated and put into reuse. As a result, each year, the plant has saved about VND 600-700 million".


In Dong Nai hotel, energy efficiency has been implemented very early. The solutions have helped the hotel reduce electricity costs from 6% of the total sales per month to 4 -5%.


Hotel representatives said "Previously, the hotel used 40-100W light bulbs which consumed much power not only for lighting but also for cooling in offices since they had to bear the heat emitted from the bulbs. After installing Compact fluorescent light bulbs with the capacity of 11 to 40W, the hotel has significantly saved electricity for lighting as well as cooling. The stairs, previously bricked in, are now opened to add glasses to get natural light. Air conditioning system at the hotel has been set at 24oC or more by default".


Promoting the implementation


Energy saving activities in the province of Dong Nai not only focus on manufacturing facilities which are major energy consumers but also on many other subjects.


Provincial leaders have attached great importance to energy efficiency in daily life. In recent years, through programs such as promoting the use of energy saving bulbs, solar water heaters or subsidizing biogas pit installation costs have been positively responded by households in the area.


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Specifically, after the program of promoting the use of energy saving light bulbs has been piloted in three communes of Quang Tien (Trang Bom district), Quang Trung (Thong Nhat district), Tan Hiep (Long Thanh district) with the subsidy of 30%, over 1,000 compact lights have been subsituted for incandescent bulbs, reaching 105% of the plan. For the installation of solar water heaters and biogas pits, each household is subsidized with VND 1 million.


With so many positive activities mentioned above, according to statistics of Dong Nai Electricity, after three years of implementing energy efficiency, the whole province has saved nearly 4 million kWh per year.


In the coming time, to promote energy efficiency and conservation in the province, Dong Nai will continue to promote the propagation and encourage businesses to participate in energy audit program as well as other energy efficiency programs. Besides, taking part in energy efficiency in enterprises, individuals will have the opportunity to get more incentives and support from the state budget and international organizations.


Duc Minh