Wednesday, 05/02/2025 | 22:57 GMT+7

Cool Biz fashion season begins across Japan


The government on Friday launched its annual Cool Biz energy-saving campaign for late spring and summer.

The government on Friday launched its annual Cool Biz energy-saving campaign for late spring and summer.

Cool Biz, which will last until Oct 31, encourages workers to dress down, ditching their suits and ties for open-necked, short-sleeved shirts. It also encourages offices to turn down air conditioners to set office temperatures at 28 degrees Celsius.

The temperature in Tokyo was 25 degrees at 2 p.m., and though some government employees adopted the Cool Biz look, most could be seen still in suits and ties.

Cool Biz was started in 2005 by then-Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions and electricity use. It started on June 1 each year until 2011 when it was brought forward by a month in a bid to conserve electricity after worries that there would be a power shortage following the March 11 disaster.

Once again this year, the campaign goes one step further with Super Cool Biz, in which polo shirts and aloha shirts will be promoted as office wear, beginning on June 1.

Mai Lan