Wednesday, 05/02/2025 | 17:55 GMT+7

Dorset renewable energy experts pilot first self-sustainable home in New Forest


Empower Energy, a specialist in renewable energy, is piloting the first self-sustainable house in the New Forest, Dorset.

Empower Energy, a specialist in renewable energy, is piloting the first self-sustainable house in the New Forest, Dorset. The Verwood-based company has installed a number of renewable technologies available in the marketplace today to create a house that is capable of generating a considerable percentage of its own energy requirement.

To provide enough renewable energy to allow the house to be self-sustainable, Empower Energy has utilised thermal dynamic hot water system, an air source heat pump to provide internal underfloor heating and hot water, a solar PV system to generate electricity, battery storage to store electricity and distribute it during the evening, and LED lighting to reduce energy costs. Whilst the house, owned by Empower Energy Managing Director Ryan McShea, is not completely off the grid, this could be achieved using technology that is available today.

Empower Energy Managing Director, Ryan McShea confirmed this, saying of the project: “We are delighted to be piloting the first self-sustainable home in the New Forest. Whilst the property is not completely off the grid, we believe that due to the technologies that we have installed, that a completely self-sufficient house could be achieved in the near future.

Empower Energy has considerable knowledge and experience in electricity and renewable energy and provide a number of energy services, including solar thermal installations, ground source heat pumps, De-stratification fans, air source heat pumps, energy saving LED lighting and a number of other electrical, plumbing and renewable energy solutions.
