Saturday, 27/07/2024 | 06:33 GMT+7

Can Tho Spent VND4 billion for Energy Savings


In the period 2011-2015, Can Tho Energy Conservation Center (Can Tho ECC) spent over VND4 billion from the state budget for the activities to save energy. However, to achieve a better result for energy efficiency, more support from the Ministry of Industry and Trade is needed.

In the period 2011-2015, Can Tho Energy Conservation Center (Can Tho ECC) spent over VND4 billion from the state budget for the activities to save energy. However, to achieve a better result for energy efficiency, more support from MOIT is needed.

According to the Can Tho Energy Conservation Center, in 2011-2015, the funds from the state budget for energy-savings are used for  such  activities as dissemination of the Law on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy in the city and surrounding provinces, by means of training, seminars, contests, and reportage. Supports in terms of energy savings are extended to small and medium sized enterprises, key enterprises, buildings, guests hotels, supermarkets, hospitals in the province and neighboring provinces; it is about building a model of energy efficiency solutions for buildings, and manufacturing enterprises so that the models could be replicated in other businesses of the same industry; it is about building the models for public lighting using LED technology to replace the existing high-pressure lamps.

Document to disseminate the Law on Economical

and Efficient Use of Energy

In addition to funding from the state budget to support dissemination program, Can Tho Energy Conservation Center also seeks other funding sources to enable further operational integration with Electricity of Can Tho, businesses, thematic research, and local energy conservation projects.

However, Can Tho Energy Conservation Center believes that for energy efficiency to achieve good results there should be more support from MOIT, and the Can Tho Municipality Peoples' Committee in terms of policies and resources for the immediate formation of at least one unit of qualified consultants, to raise the awareness about energy conservation activities and energy audits for industrial manufacturing enterprises, high buildings, schools, construction companies and other units of public lighting management. Because, energy audit requires very extensive knowledge, but there is currently no public university to provide a specialized training in this area. When conducting a consultation on energy audit, the auditors need 3 backgrounds: temperature conditioning; electricity; architecture and construction. The Can Tho Energy Conservation Center lacks human resources with expertise on energy efficiency; it takes time to get sufficient expertise.

The use of LED bulbs in the production facilities

Another difficulty is the low consciousness of the benefits of energy efficiency in businesses in the province, hindering the access to the implementation of energy saving measures such as big investment into innovative technology, production lines or equipment. Therefore, Can Tho Energy Conservation Center believes that support for enterprises implementing energy conservation projects should be increased; synchronized solutions for policies to be enacted and techniques to be applied for economical and efficient use of energy, improving the efficiency of production in enterprises in Can Tho city, thereby raising the level of technology and the competitiveness of industry and services.

 Mr. Duong Nghia Hiep - Director, Can Tho Energy Conservation Center:

"The rate of energy consumption per unit of product is quite high, and the waste of energy in enterprises is estimated between 10 and 30% of total energy costs. The main reason is because of outdated technology, and equipment. The energy management has not been properly performed or concerned for the energy conservation activities to meet the demands of the enterprise, to cut down the energy costs and to lower the product costs while increasing the product quality". 

Trong Tan



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