Saturday, 27/07/2024 | 07:33 GMT+7

Hanoi Saved VND 2,155 billion During 5 Years


According to the Hanoi Energy Conservation Center, the movement of Electricity Saving Households has been deployed since 2011. To date, over 5 year duration (2011-2015), the movement has saved 1.32 billion kWh, equivalent to VND2,155 billion. Particularly, in 2015, the whole city conserved over 35 million kWh.

According to the Hanoi Energy Conservation Center, the movement of Electricity Saving Households has been deployed since 2011. To date, over 5 year duration (2011-2015), the movement has saved 1.32 billion kWh, equivalent to VND 2,155 billion. Particularly, in 2015, the whole city conserved over 35 million kWh.

For five year duration (2010-2014), the Movement has been extensive deployed throughout Hanoi, with two main phases. Phase 1 in 2010 - 2011, the city completed the goal, from raising awareness about the use of power-conservation, energy-efficiency in domestic consumption. Phase 2, in 2012-2014, the movement shifted from awareness to action of electricity-saving, energy-saving, and self-consciousness of household members.

Specific results over the years are summed up as follows: in 2010 - 17 million kWh conserved (approximately VND15 billion savings); in 2011 - over 25 million kWh conserved (VND 27 billion savings); in 2012 - over 28 million kWh conserved (VND30 billion savings); in 2013 - over 30 million kWh conserved (VND45 billion savings) and in 2014 - over 32 million kWh conserved (VND50 billion savings).

After 5 years, the movement has been updated through renewed realistic contents, innovated with practical meaning, focusing on useful skills to save electricity, to conserve energy; initially to form the habit of efficient use of energy, and to acknowledge that energy efficiency is a practical action in each household.

Trong Tan


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