Friday, 20/09/2024 | 07:10 GMT+7

Ha Noi: 700,000 kwh saved per day


EVN Hanoi has discussed energy saving with its prime customers consuming more than 3 million kwh per year or having capacity of greater than 500kW. Thang Long, Quang Minh and Noi Bai industrial zones agree to EVN Hanoi not to exceed the amounts of consumption stated on electricity supply contracts, avoid overloads and cut from 5 to 10% of its energy consumption demand, equivalent to about 3302.43 to 6603.86 MWh.

"Telecommunication and electricity saving day" by EVN Hanoi was held in Ha Noi and its suburban districts (Dong Anh, Thanh Tri, Chuong My,...) in order to introduce energy saving products and business models. Households are encouraged to use energy efficiency appliances such as compact lighting bulbs, solar power water heaters and reduce electricity consumption during peak hours.


EVN Hanoi has discussed energy saving with its prime customers consuming more than 3 million kwh per year or having capacity of greater than 500kW. Thang Long, Quang Minh and Noi Bai industrial zones agree to EVN Hanoi not to exceed the amounts of consumption stated on electricity supply contracts, avoid overloads and cut from 5 to 10% of its energy consumption demand, equivalent to about 3302.43 to 6603.86 MWh.


Businesses are asked to adjust their production plan or use backup generators to ensure their electricity demand. Hanoi Public Lighting Company is committed to operating Hanoi's urban lighting system efficiently. The automatic lighting system has been adjusted to automatically turn on at 18:30, off at 5:00, cut lighting amount by 30 to 50%. Companies having large billboards and advertising panels along the main traffic routes are required to reduce the number of lights and turn off lights after 22 hours.


EVN Hanoi appreciated the cooperative response from enterprises to its power saving policy. Customers also actively proposed energy efficiency solutions themselves. With these measures, Hanoi can save about 700,000 kWh per day.


Nguyen An

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