Friday, 20/09/2024 | 07:41 GMT+7

Over 21 billion kWh of electricity per year for lighting


That is precise data calculated on actual energy consumption for lighting of Vietnam announced by Dr. Vu Minh Mao, Chairman of Vietnam lighting association at the seminar "Effective Lighting and Energy Conservation "held in Ha Long City, Quang Ninh.

That is precise data calculated on actual energy consumption for lighting of Vietnam announced by Dr. Vu Minh Mao, Chairman of Vietnam lighting association at the seminar "Effective Lighting and Energy Conservation "held in Ha Long City, Quang Ninh. 

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Attending the seminar were representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade – Director of Department of Science and Technology, Head of Energy Efficiency Office - Mr. Nguyen Dinh Hiep; representatives of Ministry of Construction together with numerous Institutes, Departments of Science & Technology in provinces and enterprises in lighting field. 

Dr. Vu Minh Mao said that power consumption for lighting in our country accounts for about 25% of the total commercial energy, equivalent to 21,035 billion kwh per year. The potential of energy efficiency and conservation in all lighting areas of our country is estimated at 6.31 billion kWh.


By using energy efficiency lighting products, we have saved 30 to 35% of electricity consumption for lighting. However, electricity used for lighting in Vietnam is still much higher than the world’s rate. 

In fact, despite the propaganda and popularization, the number of incandescent bulbs, low-tech lighting equipment remains large. Survey results showed that the number of incandescent bulbs of annual consumption is still very high, over 50 million products per year. In particular, public lighting consumption is quite large with about 3% of commercial electricity, serving about 750 municipalities across the country.


Under these circumstances, Associated Professor, Dr. Nguyen Hong Tien, Chief of Technical Infrastructure Bureau, Ministry of Construction said the Government has approved the orientation of urban lighting development in Vietnam by 2025. Accordingly, the objectives of urban lighting development in Vietnam by 2015 is 60% of traffic, public space and advertising in municipalities type 2 using lighting products of high performance, and conservation. 100% new lighting systems use energy efficiency technology. In particular, solar energy will be gradually used for public lighting in the central and southern areas. 

Specific objectives by 2025 are 100% streets, neighborhoods having a lighting system; 100% of public transport projects, advertising in urban areas using high-performance lighting products. Besides, the construction of the control center for public lighting must guarantee the lighting demand of people, conservation also the completion of the entire underground electricity

The seminar is a part of "Media events to introduce models of lighting efficiency, and energy conservation in Northern provinces" in Ha Long city, Quang Ninh held by Science and Technology Institute of Vietnam and Vietnam Energy Efficiency Program in coordination with People's Committee of Quang Ninh province.

By Phuong Anh

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