Sunday, 27/10/2024 | 04:32 GMT+7

US wind generation surpasses 70GW


The capacity of wind energy installed in the US surpassed 70GW.

The milestone was achieved in November 2015, the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) claimed.

That’s enough capacity to supply more than 19 million homes, it added.

The country’s wind energy capacity accounted for 65.8GW in the beginning of 2015.

Wind farm in US 

There are currently more than 50,000 wind turbines operating in the country at more than 980 wind farms.

The AWEA added the cost of wind generated electricity has fallen 66% in six years.

Tom Kiernan, CEO of the AWEA said: “This American wind power success story just gets better. There’s now enough wind power installed to meet the equivalent of total electricity demand in Oklahoma, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. Wind energy is the biggest, fastest and cheapest way we can cut carbon pollution here in the US and as wind power grows, will provide savings for American families and businesses all across the country.”

Ngoc Diep (The Energy Live News)