Tuesday, 04/03/2025 | 11:37 GMT+7

New NSW strategy to boost electrification and energy efficiency in homes


The EEC welcomed the release of the NSW Consumer Energy Strategy, which includes a $239 million Home Energy Saver Program and a commitment to introduce disclosure of home energy performance at point of sale or lease.

The Home Energy Saver Program will provide targeted support to help eligible households access energy efficiency upgrades, and complements existing government programs like the Energy Savings Scheme. 

"Cost-of-living pressures are hitting households hard, and supporting energy efficiency and electrification are two of the best things you can do to take that pressure off," said EEC CEO Luke Menzel. 

“This strategy provides a much-needed framework for action. It also shows just how much work is required to unlock the big benefits that energy efficiency and electrification can deliver, whether you’re talking about bill savings, health and comfort, or emissions reductions.”

One key commitment is to introduce mandatory disclosure of home energy performance ratings at point of sale and lease right across the state. This will start as a voluntary program in 2025.

"We have energy efficiency labels on fridges but not the family home, which is the biggest purchase most people in NSW will ever make. This is a no brainer, and it's good that NSW Government is getting the ball rolling on this," said Mr Menzel. 

Other commitments made as part of the strategy include: 

- Setting 2035 and 2050 targets for ramping up electrification and improving the energy efficiency of homes;
- Investigating  minimum energy efficiency performance standards for rental housing;
- A $15.8 million investment to improve the quality and safety of energy performance upgrades in NSW.

Mr Menzel said that while the strategy is a good start, building momentum will require a lot of work from government and industry over coming months.

"We can’t let this strategy sit on a shelf and gather dust. The cost-of-living pressures being faced across NSW are real."

"We all need to roll up our sleeves and get stuck in to ensure energy efficiency and electrification are delivering for NSW households."

According to eec.org.au