Tuesday, 25/03/2025 | 19:48 GMT+7

Alabama Power’s tips for a lower power bill this holiday season


Alabama Power offers tips for customers to save energy and money this holiday season

What’s not to love about Christmas lights? They’re festive, they’re bright, they can make the most beautiful displays, and they can raise your power bill at the end of the month.
Well, maybe that last one isn’t exactly a holiday favorite, but Alabama Power has some tips to be able to both display holiday lights and not break the Christmas budget.
One tip is to pick either the indoor lights or the holiday lights. Shining both at the same time can somewhat negate the effect of the decorations and use more energy.
So let those Christmas lights shine bright!
And remember to turn them off when you go bed.
Another tip will cost more on your shopping receipt, but will save money on your power bill and last longer.
LED Christmas lights use up to 90% less power than incandescent lights and can last up to 25% longer. Consider it an up-front investment into a lower power bill!
Making your home visible from space with Christmas lights can use more energy than you normally would throughout the year, so why not compensate by unplugging some appliances that are still using energy even while idle. According to Alabama Power, unused television, gaming consoles, computers, and phone chargers are the worst at wasting energy when they’re not being used.
Another way save energy for your light displays is to not leave your chimney open when you’re not using it. Closing the chimney damper or flue when not in use can prevent cold air from coming into your home.
Lastly, when cooking a feast fit for Whoville, Alabama Power recommends baking multiple dishes at once when possible. And remember to to avoid opening the door and letting the heat out.
Yes, it smells oh so good! But, it’s costing you on your power bill at the end of the month.
Source: wbrc.com
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