Tuesday, 25/03/2025 | 20:00 GMT+7

EVSET Facility launches the second Call for Technical Assistance to support Non-MOIT entities


(Ha Noi, 16th December 2025) – The EU – Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Facility (EVSET Facility) launches the second Call for Technical Assistance for Non-MOIT Entities within the “EU – Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Programme” (SETP) funded by the European Union (EU).

The Technical Assistance (TA) to Non-MOIT Entities will contribute to the objectives of the SETP to accelerate the sustainable energy transition in Vietnam. Its goals are to (i) improve energy efficiency, (ii) increase the share of renewable energy in the energy mix, and (iii) improve the performance of the Viet Nam Energy Information System (VEIS).
The CfTA2 focuses on Energy Efficiency. The Facility will provide up to 100 (indicative) chargeable working days of Expertise and up to EUR 30,000 (indicative) incidental cost per each eligible TA.
This Call for Technical Assistance is open from 16 December 2024 and closes on 14 February 2025 at 23h59 (Hanoi time). Detailed information about the Call can be found at https://setp.vn/call-for-technical-assistance. An information session will be held in a hybrid format (both in-person and online) on January 6, 2025, to provide details to all eligible and interested organizations. Please register at http://link.setp.vn/phienthongtin.
For further information, please contact:
EU – Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Facility (EVSET Facility)
Office address: SNV, Level 3, Building D, La Thanh Hotel | 218 Doi Can, Hanoi | Viet Nam
For Technical: 
•    Team leader - Adrian Twomey, Adrian.Twomey@stantec.com 
•    Key expert 2 – Nguyen Quoc Khanh, knguyenquoc@snv.org | Tel. +84 (0)91 525 1479
For Media: 
•    Communications Officer – Duong Van Tho, tho.duong@setp.vn | Tel. +84 (0)388 280 142
The European Union (EU) and the Government of Viet Nam are working together on a sustainable energy transition in Viet Nam. For this purpose, the EU and the Government of Viet Nam adopted the EU – Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Programme (SETP) on 31 December 2021. This joint programme re-affirms the EU’s close cooperation and long-term commitment to Viet Nam’s goal of clean energy transition to meet the country’s target of net zero emissions by 2050.
The SETP, with an EU grant of EUR 142 million, will be implemented from 2022 to 2027. It follows the success of the EU - Viet Nam Energy Sector Policy Support Program, a EUR 108 million grant by the EU for Viet Nam implemented from 2018 to 2021.
The SETP will contribute to supporting Viet Nam to accelerate its sustainable energy transition with three ultimate goals: improved energy efficiency, a larger share of renewable energy in the energy mix, and enhanced performance of the Viet Nam Energy Information System (VEIS).
As one of the four complementary measures, the EU – Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Facility (EVSET Facility) will provide complementary support to the SETP and the EU support to the energy sector in Viet Nam. The Facility is implemented by a Stantec-led Consortium including CEERD, DEM and SNV.

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