Theo khảo sát của Eurobarometer năm 2024, 93% người tiêu dùng EU nhận diện được nhãn dán năng lượng và 75% cho biết nhãn này ảnh hưởng đến quyết định mua hàng của họ trong 5 năm qua.
(Ha Noi, 16th December 2025) – The EU – Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Facility (EVSET Facility) launches the second Call for Technical Assistance for Non-MOIT Entities within the “EU – Viet Nam Sustainable Energy Transition Programme” (SETP) funded by the European Union (EU).
(Hà Nội, ngày 16 tháng 12 năm 2024) - Dự án Hỗ trợ Kỹ thuật Chuyển dịch Năng lượng Bền vững Việt Nam - EU (EVSET) mở kêu gọi Đề xuất Hỗ trợ Kỹ thuật lần thứ hai dành cho các đơn vị, tổ chức không thuộc Bộ Công thương, trong khuôn khổ Chương trình Chuyển dịch Năng lượng Bền vững Việt Nam - EU (SETP) do Liên minh châu Âu (EU) tài trợ.
As 2024 draws to a close, Europe’s energy winter preparedness is a priority. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the EU and its member countries have taken many bold measures to decrease reliance on fossil fuels, accelerate the shift to clean energy and build a more resilient and diversified energy system, with a view to strengthening energy independence and ensuring stable, affordable energy supplies for citizens and businesses.
Người dân tại tiểu bang Victoria (Úc) hiện có thể hoàn toàn điện khí hóa tòa nhà thông qua chương trình Nâng cấp năng lượng Victoria (VEU), giúp các gia đình cắt giảm đáng kể hóa đơn năng lượng.
In this article, Europump President, Luboš Michlík, highlights the vital role of pumps in powering the drive for a sustainable future.
The ongoing war in Ukraine has underscored the EU’s vulnerability to external energy supplies. Europe’s reliance on imported fossil fuels is a liability, not only environmentally but also geopolitically. Prioritising energy efficiency alongside renewable energy and electrification is essential to reducing this dependence. The Energy Efficiency First (EE1st) principle holds the potential to strengthen security and resilience aiming at prioritising energy efficiency wherever it is the most cost-effective solution, ensuring that energy needs are met sustainably and economically.
As 2024 draws to a close, Europe’s energy winter preparedness is a priority. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the EU and its member countries have taken many bold measures to decrease reliance on fossil fuels, accelerate the shift to clean energy and build a more resilient and diversified energy system, with a view to strengthening energy independence and ensuring stable, affordable energy supplies for citizens and businesses.
IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol and European Commissioner for Energy and Housing Dan Jørgensen today announced that they will co-host the IEA’s 10th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency in Brussels, Belgium, on 12-13 June 2025.
The European Commission is preparing technical specifications for a study to develop a measurement framework for the energy efficiency of general-purpose AI models. Data centres’ share of global energy consumption is expected to grow to 7% by 2030.
The EBRD, in collaboration with the EU and Japan, is providing a €4 million loan to NLB Bank AD Skopje. The funds will support energy-efficiency upgrades for households, aiming to reduce CO2 emissions and improve quality of life.
The EU’s energy-efficiency policies are viewed as robust. The next challenge is making sure they’re implemented through to the local level, says the Coalition for Energy Savings and smartEn.
Owensboro Health Regional Hospital has earned its fifth Energy Star certification, with officials saying OH has saved more than $4.5 million over the last decade due to energy efficiency practices.
According to a release from OH, participating healthcare facilities strive to obtain the Energy Star recognition threshold of 75 or higher. Owensboro Health Regional Hospital scored 77, meaning its Energy Use Index (EUI) is better than 77% of hospitals in the country. Only two other hospitals in Kentucky have been Energy Star recipients longer than Owensboro Health.
I had the opportunity to visit a children’s health center located about 300 km away from Astana, on the shores of a beautiful lake. The center, which celebrated its 60th anniversary this year, has introduced green technologies, such as renewable energy and energy efficiency systems. It was inspiring to witness how such initiatives can tangibly improve sustainability while reducing environmental impacts.
Forward-looking EU policies, with people and the economy at their heart, position Europe to become the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050.
In a concerted effort to bolster energy efficiency and drive the green transition, the European Investment Bank Group (EIBG), the European Commission (EC), and the Solar Impulse Foundation (SIF) launched a new pilot initiative aimed at boosting energy efficiency investments for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The initiative, a key element of the EIB Group Strategic Roadmap 2024-2027, is designed to enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of SMEs across Europe.
Global energy consumption continues to rise, driven by factors such as population growth, urbanisation, industrialisation, and economic development. Efforts to improve energy efficiency are critical for managing global energy consumption and addressing sustainability challenges. By reducing the amount of energy needed to provide goods and services, energy efficiency measures can help decouple economic growth from energy consumption, enabling societies to achieve their development goals while minimising environmental impacts.
Energy efficiency is often neglected in key investment decisions, but the European Investment Bank and asset managers Aquila Capital are convinced there’s a positive business case to be made.
Industrial players currently face a double challenge: how can they battle increasing costs for energy and reduce emissions at the same time. This double challenge has also been the main topic of the Business Breakfast organised by Bilfinger, one of the leading international providers of industrial services in Eastern Europe, in Bucharest this May. Bilfinger experts discussed with representatives of major industrial investors what the challenges are and how to ensure that their operations are energy efficient or even self-sufficient.
The World Bank announced the launch of an ambitious new regional initiative aimed at significantly accelerating energy efficiency to ensure secure, affordable, and clean energy supply across Europe and Central Asia.