Ireland has received investment worth €8.5 million (£6.12m) for energy efficiency projects.
From 2009 to mid-2015, UNDP and the State Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan, with financial support from the Global Environment Facility, have conducted a joint project entitled Promoting Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings in Uzbekistan.
Subsequently and by 2030, it will result in a large deployment of the photovoltaic and wind energy and at medium term, solar thermal energy will be produced.
Government officials, international experts and development practitioners agreed that energy efficiency and renewable energy investments have the potential to build resilient economies of the GCC.
Parliament passed a law on energy savings with a view to meeting the European Union’s targets for energy efficiency.
New research by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has found most small firms support energy efficiency.
Energy demand and utility costs in laboratory buildings are very high — they can require 5-10 times more energy per square foot than a typical commercial office building.
Targeting energy efficiency in non-residential university buildings, a three-year a Europe-wide SMART CAMPUS project reached 30% energy savings, 10% beyond the expected 20%.
An EU-funded project on access to renewable and efficient energy in the municipalities of Vayk and Spitak in Armeniahas started work, aiming to support the municipalities to develop and test replicable models to save energy through the use of efficient measures and renewable sources in residential and public buildings.
At Entech Hanoi in 2015, besides the advanced technologies and products of overseas and local businesses, there are also various models on display, unique in ideas about the use of energy, invented by university students.
On May 21, within the framework of the International Exhibition Entech HANOI 2015, the Conference "Solution to Improve the Energy Efficiency in Industry and Building" was held.
The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) published the 2015 edition of its biennial City Energy Efficiency Scorecard today, ranking U.S. cities based on their local energy policies and initiatives. And for the second time in a row, Boston is top of the class.
The social housing sector has been at the forefront of the adoption of different types of energy efficiency technologies and water-saving features as it has generally been building new homes to higher levels of the Code for Sustainable homes.
The self-regulating tire system that the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company has developed with funding from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) uses a new technology—called Air Maintenance Technology (AMT)—that works similar to the way muscles push food through the human digestive tract.
Thailand's Eleventh National Economic and Social Development Plan for 2012-2016, has targeted improvements in natural resource and environmental quality through the development of energy security policies.
On May 18, the workshop to "Review the Vietnam Energy Efficiency Standard and Labeling Program" was held. The project has been implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Trade since 2012 with funding from the Australian Government.
The Middle East can take a giant step towards energy efficiency by switching to air conditioning systems with compressor modulation, reducing energy consumption by up to 40 per cent, according to experts.
A report delivered by Finance Minister Yiannis Varoufakis on the Greek economy’s prospects and possible revisions in various sectors has stressed the importance of energy efficiency.
When we think of renewable energy and energy efficiency, large-scale projects often come to mind.
NASA was conducting the Leading Edge Asynchronous Propeller Technology (LEAPTech) project — an initiative which may herald in a new age of aviation where aircraft are powered through electric motors.