Saturday, 27/07/2024 | 06:37 GMT+7

Hanoi reduces nearly 330 billion VND of electricity bills for customers


According to the Hanoi Power Corporation (EVNHANOI), by the end of August 2021, the total amount of electricity and electricity bill reductions in phases 3 & 4 for customers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in the capital area reached more than 329.58 billion VND.

Specifically, EVNHANOI has reduced electricity prices and electricity bills for more than 2.4 million customers using electricity for living purposes in the city, with a total amount of more than 249.7 billion VND.

EVNHANOI workers operate to ensure power supply in the area
In addition, the corporation has reviewed and reduced electricity prices for 163 tourist accommodation establishments affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, equivalent to nearly VND 40.6 billion; reduce electricity prices and electricity bills for medical centers focusing on COVID-19 prevention and control eligible for exemption or reduction of electricity prices and electricity bills at two levels of 20% and 100%, with a total amount of more than 26,3 billion VND.
Besides, the corporation also reduced nearly 13 billion VND for other electricity retailers.
According to Mr. Le Anh Duong - Deputy General Director of EVNHANOI, over the past time, the Corporation and its member units have made a public listing of policies to support electricity price reduction and electricity bill reduction phase 3 & 4 at the transaction locations, websites of corporations and units. In addition, the Corporation also reports to the People's Committee of the province/city; at the same time, closely coordinate with local authorities to review and correct information about customers who are supported to reduce electricity prices and electricity bills; guide customers on the order and procedures to perform timely, fully, in accordance with regulations, to the right subjects...
Besides, to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic, EVNHANOI recommends that customers use online payment methods. EVNHANOI's representative shared that this unit has now cooperated with banks and payment intermediaries, e-wallets licensed by the State Bank of Vietnam to facilitate customers to pay electricity bills everytime and everywhere.
Accordingly, with the method of making non-cash electricity bill payments, customers have many options: mobile banking, Internet banking, e-wallets, online payment on website, EVNHANOI app, Zalopay ... and especially payment by automatic debit deduction. This is a fast, safe and convenient form of payment, used by many customers in the city.
Ha Tran
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