Microalgae could be one key to a more sustainable, less risk energy future for the U.S., and researchers are working on several fronts to find a low cost, high efficiency process for extracting renewable biofuel from the tiny plants. At Unitel Technologies, Inc., researchers have developed a microalgae – to – biofuel process that leaps over at least one obstacle, and that is the large amount of energy currently required by most oil extraction methods.
Many passionately believe that clean coal is not the answer to decreasing carbon emissions or increasing the supply of energy. In fact, since Obama's decision to set aside $2.4 billion dollars "to lead the world in CCS technologies," disagreements (and for that matter, debates) have surfaced about its legitimacy as a true carbon-fighting, energy-producing solution.
Fourteen years ago, the Hanoi Towers at 49 Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi had Air Handling Units (AHUs) installed for the 13-storey tower consisting of office and shopping space, and Inverter Multi Systems installed for the 25-storey apartment tower. At that time, AHUs and Inverter Multi Systems were modern technologies.
EU’s ‘Clean Sky’ – the 1-6 billion euro research project – with 86 participating partners from 16 nations – has goals like developing unique application-specific technologies and evaluation and advancement of the entire aeronautic system.
A meeting was held in Hanoi Monday for Vietnamese enterprises and firms from Maryland State, US, to seek trade partnership. The meeting, hosted by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, offered an opportunity for local firms to learn about the US technologies and latest applications in the environmental area.
While they may sound nuts, these wild and innovative ideas could be the future of mobility. From electric cars that charge without wires to remote-controlled commuter convoys, plenty of far-fetched technologies are in the works that could green up the way we drive and make our roads do more than just lie there.
Cobalt Technologies this week said that it has made a breakthrough in producing biobutanol from beetle-killed lodgepole pine feedstock. Cobalt claims to be the first company to produce a drop-in replacement for petroleum and petrochemicals from beetle-affected lodgepole pine.
But it's also one of the dirtiest with the world's 2,300 coal-fired power stations contributing around 40 percent of all man-made emissions, according to the World Coal Institute. Their continued use enrages many environmentalists who argue that we should be phasing coal out. But the coal industry is pinning its hopes on the rather oxymoronic-sounding "clean coal," which has become the umbrella term for a range of new technologies that share the aim of cleaning up coal in the 21st century. Earth's Frontiers takes a look at the options:
“This decade is crucial for effective policies to enable the development of solar electricity,” IEA Executive Director Nobuo Tanaka said. “Long-term oriented, predictable solar-specific incentives are needed to sustain early deployment and bring both technologies to competitiveness in the most suitable locations and times.”
Một loại tàu lặn hoạt động bằng bàn đạp có khả năng lặn sâu 30m đã được Công ty Marine Innovative Technologies Ltd (MIT) ở St.Petersburg, Nga, chế tạo. Tàu lặn này phần lớn được làm bằng kính acrylic đặc biệt giúp người ngồi bên trong ngắm cảnh dưới nước.
Hãng Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc chuyên về phát triển những tấm pin mặt trời mỏng và linh hoạt cho biết: Công ty hàng đầu thế giới về các sản phẩm du lịch Samsonite sẽ tung ra sản phẩm có tích hợp pin siêu nhẹ và bền CIGS của hãng vào mùa hè năm nay.
New energy-saving products and technologies used in daily life are gaining in popularity. CCTV reporter takes us to the Beijing International Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Exhibition to show us the latest in green technology.
Hãng Via Technologies (Đài Loan) vừa công bố bộ vi xử lý thuộc dạng x86 mang tên Eden, tốc độ 500 MHz, với lời khẳng định đây là CPU tiết kiệm năng lượng nhất từng xuất hiện.