Friday, 15/11/2024 | 12:57 GMT+7
The photovoltaic technology is gaining wide spread fame due
to ease of use. Photovoltaic technology is related to solar energy development.
It is gaining popularity because it can replace and substitute other expensive
energy sources. Photovoltaic refers to the spread of photons on the earth which
is then conserved using solar cells embedded in photovoltaic panels.
Reasons of Growth
During the year 2008 when the oil prices started to raise up to $295 per
barrel, most of the European countries switched to the alternative fuel source
such as solar panels. The increased demand in the market for photovoltaic
solar panels in 2008 contributed greatly towards its growth. The high growth in
2008 was not only due to increased prices but also because of the favorable
legislation policies.
Suddenly in the same year the demand for PV panels
decreased in
Profit Projections for 2010
Starting from 2008 the photovoltaic industry faced many troughs in their
business cycles. There were many reasons for this recession. First of all the
technology was expensive. Secondly the big names like Q cells and Solar World
faced difficulties in their operations. However today the situation is a little
different the photovoltaic market is recovering quickly and moving towards
growth again.
The major reason for huge profit margins is that
The Photovoltaic Price in Market
The PV market has already excelled with the efforts of European countries like
The solar energy can help us overcome the issue of global warming and high fuel costs. Moreover it can bring green environment for us in near future. Almost all the countries in the world are experimenting with PV technology. Hence it is expected that 2010 would bring a lot more development and progress in this field. The future of the PV technology is bright because if we want to survive, we need to conserve oil and gas and focus more on other energy sources.. The solar light and heat is free for all and carries no carbon emissions during the energy transformation process. Therefore the price of PV technology would fall in the coming years with decrease in conventional sources and increased competition.