Green infrastructure company Japan Asia Group Ltd (TYO:3751), or JAG, announced today the completion of a 2.1-MW solar plant in Japan's Niigata prefecture.
Công ty phát triển cơ sở hạ tầng “xanh” Japan Asia tuyên bố đã hoàn thành một nhà máy năng lượng mặt trời công suất 2,1 MW ở quận Niigata, Nhật Bản.
Japanese firm NTT Facilities Inc announced today it started the construction of a 1-MW photovoltaic (PV) power plant in Higashihiroshima city, Hiroshima prefecture.
GE Energy Financial Services and Virginia Solar Group have commenced commercial operations on its jointly owned 32-megawatt Pacifico Energy Kumenan Mega Solar Project ("Kumenan Solar Project"), located in the Okayama prefecture of Japan.
The Tokyo-based venture, which started out in the waste-recycling business in 2000, currently has about 190 MW of solar either operating or under construction in Japan.
Pattern Development and GPI are joint venture (JV) partners that developed and built the Futtsu Solar power facility
Japan's wind-power capacity is expected to grow threefold as the two leading developers invest tens of billions of yen in new installations.
The Development Bank of Japan and Japan Wind Development Co. will create the nation’s first fund for wind power, the companies announced.The companies aim to introduce the 50 billion yen ($423 million) joint fund .
Greenhouses aren't just for plants; the concept can be used for human habitation too, as we have seen in this off-grid home that's been surrounded by a conventional greenhouse to reduce heating costs.
Japanese manufacturer is ready to start its Smart Grid trials with energy provider Enel.
On October 16th, a Seminar between Vietnam and Japan on drainage and sewage treatment system - Developing workforce and tendency to access cutting-edge technology in drainage and sewage treatment system - was held by Department of Technical Infrastructure, Ministry of Construction of Vietnam in Hanoi.
On October 08, 2015, the twelfth ASEAN Energy Ministers Meeting and partner countries – Japan, Korea and China (AMEM +3) and the ninth East Asian Energy Ministers Meeting (EASS EMM9) were held in Kuala Lumpur in the scope of the thirty-third Energy Ministers Meeting.
Japan’s Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL) has started demonstration tests of a new windshield for containerships, potentially reducing wind resistance, saving fuel and lowering carbon dioxide emissions.
The Quality Assurance and Testing Center 3 (QUATEST 3) has received and put into use a test equipment system to test energy efficiency of air conditioners. This equipment system is sponsored by the International Cooperation Agency of Japan (JICA) and installed in the new experimental headquarters of QUATEST 3 in Cat Lai Industrial Zone, Ho Chi Minh City.
Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is seeking to nearly double the budget for energy-saving measures to be adopted in places such as factories and homes as the country eyes improvements in energy efficiency.
Japanese trading house Mitsui & Co. will partner with General Electric to develop an online monitoring system that analyzes data transmitted from mining equipment to realize maximum operational efficiency.
A line improvement programme undertaken by Sidel at Japan’s Kirin Distillery has resulted in a substantial saving in the use of electrical energy.
Starting in August 2015, the Training Center will run its commissioning training with the first course for energy auditors, supported by the Japanese energy experts.
Mitsubishi Electric has completed installing a 6.2MW solar power plant in northern Japan.
Two “mega” floating solar power plants have been completed in Japan.