‘They’re starting to see themselves as a part of the solution after participating in the program.'
Nguyen Thi Thuy Van and her sister, Khuong Vu Tram Anh, majoring in Architecture, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, have just completed the project of a charging station for electric vehicles using solar energy named Greensol.
Led street lighting products manufactured by a group of students from Thainguyen University of Technology can help reduce electricity consumption by 35%.
The purpose of the program is to equip the students with the basic knowledge on safe use of electricity, power saving and efficiency.
About 3,000 students, volunteers, groups and clubs joined the campaign.
Can Tho Power Company will innovate the forms, methods of communication on power savings in schools to raise the awareness of the students in the use of electricity with saving and safety.
For African students living in remote, off-the-grid locations, learning about computers and digital technology is virtually impossible. But what if the digital world were brought to them?
A team from MIT –- composed of students Michael Laracy and Thomas Poinot, along with professors Elsa Olivetti, Hamlin Jennings and John Ochsendorf -- has developed Eco-BLAC bricks: an alternative to traditional bricks that reuses industrial waste and is low-cost and low energy.
The Children Painting Contest on "power savings" theme initiated by Nghe An Power Company in coordination with Vietnam - Germany Children's Cultural House was launched in June 2015 for the preschool age group, primary school and upper primary school students.
Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation organized a series of communication programs on power savings for students in upper primary schools. The program took place at the Office of Information & Communication on Safe and Economical Use of Energy. This is an activity within the plan to propagate the safe, economical and efficient use of electricity for the people, pupils and students in the city.
In accordance with the communication plan 2015 and the plan "Pink Holidays 2015" on promoting the Safe- Economical- Efficient use of electricity, targeting at the people, pupils and students who live and study in the area of Ho Chi Minh City, HCM city Power Corporation held a series of communication programs for primary school students at the Office of Public Communication at No. 1 Phan Dang Luu - Binh Thanh District, on saving energy.
Power Saving Communication messages are directed to not only the officers, employees and officials within and outside the electricity sector but also to secondary school students in the province of Quang Nam as it is actively performed by the Youth Union in Quang Nam Power Company.
At Entech Hanoi in 2015, besides the advanced technologies and products of overseas and local businesses, there are also various models on display, unique in ideas about the use of energy, invented by university students.
In a bid to promote green energy, engineering students from a technical high school college in Mexico have designed a motorcycle that runs on self-generated energy.
On April 19, 2015, in Hanoi, there was a walking parade and a photo exhibition to respond to the “Passage of Green Energy” organized by Journal of Economics and Forecasting (Ministry of Planning and Investment). The event involved thousands of officers and employees from agencies, organizations, businesses and the youth, the students in the locality to participate.
Light bulb technology has advanced leaps and bounds in the last decade.
Now, University of Toronto students are taking their highly efficient light bulb to the next level to reduce energy consumption
In the evening of March 22nd, 2015, thousands of pupils, students, volunteers and people of Hanoi congregated at the August Revolution Square to participate in the ritual light-off in response to Earth Hour 2015 campaign.
This morning, on the roads of Hanoi, more than 500 young people, students and pupils were divided into 10 cycling teams on the streets of Hanoi in a response to 2015 Earth Hour campaign.
After the success of the Kick Off event in Hanoi (Feb 7th 2015), on March 8th 2015 at Electric Power University, an exchange campaign was held to respond to Earth Hour 2015.
Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School kicked off its SEED program with a powerful all-school presentation by Alliance for Climate Education. The ACE Assembly was a natural lead-in for recruiting students to the SEED program, which promotes greenhouse-gas-reducing efficiency upgrades in their community.