Tuesday, 01/04/2025 | 04:29 GMT+7

EU Support to the Development of Sustainable Energy in Viet Nam


An indicative amount of EUR346 million out of the total EUR400 million envelop has been provisionally allocated to support the Development of Sustainable Energy in Viet Nam.

Today, the Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam and the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) jointly organized an Inception Workshop Launching EU Support to the Development of Sustainable Energy in Vietnam. Attending the workshop were representatives from Government Agencies, Development Partners Agencies, Financing Institutions, Private Sector and Non-Government Organisations, etc.

MOIT Deputy Minister Hoang Quoc Vuong

The workshop is clear evidence of the very effective cooperation between the European Union to Vietnam and the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the field of energy. The European Union hereby confirmed its commitment of the EU Multiannual Indicative Programme for Viet Nam 2014 – 2020, of which Sustainable Energy has been selected as one of the two focal areas of the EU Development Cooperation in Viet Nam for the period.  An indicative amount of EUR346 million out of the total EUR400 million envelop has been provisionally allocated to support the Development of Sustainable Energy in Viet Nam. 

The Workshop

The workshop is filled with various presentations from MOIT, private sector and the EU, providing participants with an overview on the state of the field, challenges and assistance needed for the implementation of key government programmes, policies and strategies in the energy sector. The workshop also discussed challenges that the private sector faces and its vision as well as EU possible instruments and modalities to support Vietnam's sustainable energy goals.

At the opening remark of the workshop, MOIT Deputy Minister Hoang Quoc Vuong expressed  "Although Vietnam is now an energy exporter, it will become a net importer in the near future, with a estimated imprort of 17 million tonnes of coal, euivalent to 31% of its energy resource as of 2020. Significant investments, energy market reform are necessary to meet the demand in the future and maintain energy access for all at affordable price, reducing carbon emissions and environmental impacts". 

Dr. Franz Jessen, Ambassador – Head of Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam

Dr. Franz Jessen, Ambassador – Head of Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam added " the Eu aims at having a direct and result-oriented sectoral dialogue with the Gorvernment of Vietnam. We intend to become a strategic patner and facilitate a smooth and effective implementation of an Enerrgy Suppot Programme, with sustainable benefits to the people of Vietnam"

At present, Vietnam has a large number of development projects financed by the European Union. Deputy Minister Hoang Quoc Vuong emphasized his hope that results of this project would “help Vietnam improve its energy production and consumption efficiency, raise the ratios of clean and renewable energy and make reliable and sustainable sources easily accessible”.

Agreement sets the ground for the enhanced cooperation between MOIT and EU Delegation

At the end of this workshop, MOIT and the EU Delegation agreed on the way forward for a reinforced cooperation in the field of sustainable energy. 

Mai Lan 

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