Tuesday, 01/04/2025 | 04:29 GMT+7

Saving Energy in Can Tho: Local Forces in Full Swing


To deploy Phase II of the National Target Program on economical and efficient use of energy, Can Tho has put energy saving program into regular activities of social life.

To deploy Phase II of the National Target Program on economical and efficient use of energy, Can Tho has put energy saving program into regular activities of social life.

To raise public awareness for the community, Can Tho brought the contents of energy savings into extracurricular education in schools; it is to provide knowledge, skills and energy saving methods to the students. Besides, Can Tho contracted with experts on energy saving to make presentations on energy savings in the educational institutions, manufacturing facilities, and the community. 

Can Tho also promotes education and dissemination of information on energy saving measures; information about the types of energy saving, the status and trends of energy consumption; introduction into technical specifications and regulations and norms of energy use,  applicable in industrial manufacturing sectors.

In rolling out the energy labeling program, Can Tho strengthened the development and promulgation of standards on energy efficiency of equipment and testing standards for certification of energy labels on equipment. Can Tho also strengthened the post-inspection over equipment for energy labeling, programs to promote mandatory energy labeling, detecting and applying disciplines on cases of breach of the energy labeling such as: failure in energy labeling for products with mandatory energy labeling, error of energy labeling, and incorrect practice of energy labeling.

In promotion of energy saving in the production facilities, Can Tho would perform regular checks over energy use in large energy users; organize the process of taking reports, filing the reports on economical and sufficient use of energy for each year and 5 year period as prescribed by regulations. 

The Steering Committee on Energy Efficiency, basically controlled by the Department of Industry and Trade, would conduct the checks and and inspections under the annual plan, with interim summary report, and highlight the cases of good or unsatisfactory implementation of the Law. The committee would also commend organizations and individuals who well perform the governance during the implementation of Plans scheduled by the Steering Committee.

Trong Tan


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