Wednesday, 12/03/2025 | 02:37 GMT+7
Although performing their task of management over large areas, and many villages in the outlying communes and districts with severe summer weather, the Electricity Teams of Khe Sanh Power Company (Huong Hoa - Quang Tri) still strengthen the check and repair of the grid. They make use of the time to meet people for distributing the leaflets, pamphlets with communication messages, and guide people on how to save electricity properly. Currently, the energy consumption of households in Huong Hoa accounts for 50% of total electricity consumption in the district. Therefore, helping people to raise awareness of saving electricity, especially in the difficult areas is the main thrust of the district electricity board.
Every April and May, the family of Mr. Ho Van Vien in the village of Tari 2, Huc commune and other households in the village always get the dedicated guidance of the electricity board officials on how to save electricity. So the people are highly aware of daily use of electricity. Mr. Vien says: "By talking to the electricity board officials and reading the pamphlets, we find that power saving is essential. Each timeI go out of the house, I often remind the family members to turn off the electrical appliances; and I bought the electricity-saving bulbs to save electricity. Power saving helps me reduce electricity costs, especially in the summer."
In Huong Hoa district, many agencies, units, enterprises, and factories have promoted power savings by taking advantage of maximum sunlight and appropriate use of conditioning, turning off electrical appliances when they are not in use. Thereby, it contributes to save the budget of the state and businesses, reflecting the rational use of national resources and environment protection. Huong Hoa Cassava Starch Plant Tapioca is the largest electricity user in the district. On the average, each year, the plant consumes about 8 million kilowatts of electricity. To save power and reduce its production costs, the plant has invested in new machinery, installed the soft starters with inverter for large-capacity machines. Thus, the average annual saving reaches VND300-400 million on electricity bills.
To ensure adequate supply of electricity for daily life and production, Khe Sanh Power Company also deploys many programs for electricity-saving practices in a positive way. Especially, the organized mass communication campaign in the villages, parks residential areas following 4 principles of correct use of electricity: right time, right place, right way and the right demand. Besides, the company makes plans for expanded communication in schools and other units identified as big electricity users.
Trong Tan