Tuesday, 01/04/2025 | 06:32 GMT+7
In 2015, Bac Giang Power Company (PC) was assigned with an output of 1.580 million kWh of commercial electricity; power output of 23.7 million kWh as savings; and loss rate of 8.6%. To supply electricity and other related services to customers, the company prepared a plan to ensure the power supply, serving the major events of the province; implementing the measures to respond to abnormal breakdowns and/or situations which might arise during the year.
Besides, the company continues to improve the procedures and shortens the time for power connection, troubleshooting repairs, infrastructure investment, media work, and monitoring, evaluation and customer service related operations. The company focuses on the application of new technology, information technology in the power business and customer service to enhance the labor productivity, service quality and to reduce the operation costs; to improve the knowledge and professional skills for staff and employees working in sales and customer services, all of which is meant to meet the increasing demands of customers.
Mr. Nguyen Ba Son, Bac Giang Power Company Director said: "To complete the plan, the units are all registered to exceed the given targets, strive to implement good technical management, operations, to ensure power supply with safety and stability for the load, to apply measures for cost optimization and cost effective improvement, hitting the target "better productivity and efficiency" in production and business activities, construction, overhaul according to the directions of EVN, EVNNPC. The company also conducts the rational staffing, labor arrangement to enhance the labor productivity and to generate more incomes for workers and employees. The Steering Committee for Power loss reduction was established to preside over monthly, quarterly review meetings. They are meant to enhance the examination on the use of electricity, responses to and repairs of troubleshooting in the grid, periodic and timely replacement of malfunctioning and broken meters. The company also deploys some new projects for investment, renovation and upgrade. Since the beginning of 2015, the company has commissioned the Luc Nam110 kV station, implemented the project on the 22 kV transmission line and Cau Go - Yen The 110 kV transformer to make a good contribution in stabilizing the grid, reducing the power losses.
Mr. Son also said that with the goal of saving 5% on average fluctuation by the norms, the company stepped up public communication and mobilized all its officials and employees to realize the savings. The managers are responsible for making a cost management plan in their units, with reminders, ticked slogans recognizable in working places, to convey the contents of savings into labor regulations. The company managers also proposed rewards for good performance, effective cost management units, meanwhile poorly performing units are warned and disciplined by reduction of operation costs for electricity, water, stationery if they fail the benchmarks. Thus, the company has achieved savings targets costs, a significant contribution in efficiency of production-business.
Particularly, in the dry season of 2015, Bac Giang Power Company provides guidance for steering its power-related units, offices and workshops to focus on strengthening and handling the pending issues to ensure safe and reliable operation. In the hot months, the company rescheduled the routine maintenance on the grid to keep a continuous power supply for customers against the heat, for that purpose, the stand-by repair manpower was also mobilized on duty for 24/24 hours for quickly handling the troubleshootings, to minimize the brown out time. The management also provided the guidance for steering the construction, major repair works to secure the safe and reliable electricity supply during hot sunny days.
Trong Tan