Saturday, 15/03/2025 | 16:05 GMT+7
In December, Bac Lieu Power Company (PC) held a review on “Power Saving Hamlets 2015”. The program was implemented from January 2015 to November 2015 across 42 hamlets of 21 wards and towns in Bac Lieu. At the review conference, 31 individuals, 72 communities and 168 households were given prizes with total value of VND123,800,000.
"Power saving hamlets" was one of the most important programs directed by Bac Lieu PC
On this occasion, power companies under Bac Lieu PC also launched program “Power saving Hamlets 2016”. In each district/town/city, 06 hamlets/villages of 03 wards/county towns will be selected and encouraged to join the program. Basically, the program’s criterion remain unchanged. In particular, to be recognized as a power saving hamlet/village, half of the hamlet/village’s households must consume 10% less power than the previous year.
Additionally, power companies and local unions have signed the agreement to cooperate in creating teams that provide selected households with instructions, materials regarding implementation of power saving.
Hanh Nguyen