Friday, 14/03/2025 | 00:10 GMT+7
Electricians in Phu Tho Power Company directly consult and communicate with customers to promote safe use of electricity.
In the pro-active efforts to respond to extreme weather occurrence, to mitigate the negative impacts of the weather and to ensure a stable power supply for productionand the daily life of the people, especially during the economic, political and social events of the country, the Northern Power Corporation (EVNNPC) has required the directors of the power companies, the Northern Grid High Voltage Power Company drastically to speedup the assigned construction for overload protection; closely to monitor thesub-loads and the weather, to plan for power supply with reasonable and flexible modes, to minimize the outages due to overload. In particular, the planned power cuts are temporarily suspended during those days when the outdoor temperature is 36oC or higher, and the people in the localities are encouraged to use power efficiently.
In the hot weather, the energy saving is very important, the power sector has focused on public communication for power savings, the Power Companies affiliated to the Northern Power Corporation (EVNNPC) strictly conduct their public communication, addressing their customers in using power, thus the people should turn off unnecessary electrical appliances after use, use of energy saving light bulbs. The electrical equipment with intelligent power-saving features with new technology is recommended to be used. In procurement of electrical appliances, it is advised tobuy power-saving devices and to take advantage of natural light in designs.
The Deputy General Director of the Northern Power Corporation (EVNNPC) -Mr. Ho Manh Tuan conducts a working session at Phu Tho Power Company on the power supply to be continuously secured for 2016 summer
Besides, as this year's hot season has been predicted, there are possible higher power consumption and higher electricity bills charged on customers. The representative of the Northern Power Corporation (EVNNPC), Mr. Ho Manh Tuan Deputy CEO stressed: "the Power Companies and all of their employees are making direct and frequent contact with customers, they must have the gracious attitude, and collect the timely and accurate customers’feedback and the people's opinions for review. Meanwhile, they must understand the method of calculation and price changes on electricity bills. At the same time, it is necessary to instruct the customers how to look for information on the customer care website of the Northern Power Corporation (EVNNPC) as well as who to access services, such as: Electronic bank levy, SMS messaging, electronic invoice lookup ... In parallel to that, after record of electric meter readings, it is to recheck the cases of abnormal power consumption, and also inform the customers about the abnormal fluctuations on the use of electricity so that the customers can be aware of the bills before issuing the invoices".
In the coming time, the weather is forecastedwith hot sunny days, the Power Companies still face many difficulties to implement the measures for quality improvement, and to ensure the power supply. To join the efforts with the power sector, the people need to raise their awareness, to turn off electrical appliances when not in use, to limit the use of electricity during peak hours of the day and to communicate with each member of the household to spread the awareness of electricity savings.
Trong Tan