Monday, 31/03/2025 | 23:03 GMT+7

Energy audit supports businesses to use energy efficiently


Energy audit is one of the tools to help businesses control energy consumption, thereby providing an effective saving solution, which is to conduct an energy audit.

Industrial energy accounts for about 50% of total national energy consumption. According to survey results, Vietnam can also save 20% - 30% of energy consumed in industry. Energy-saving solutions applied at energy-using facilities help businesses save costs, comply with the law, contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting the environment.
One of the tools to help businesses control energy consumption and offer effective solutions is to conduct an energy audit. However, in reality, many businesses are not aware of the benefits of energy efficiency. To help businesses overcome difficulties and better understand this issue, the reporter had an interview with Mr. Hoang Hai - CEO of Vietnam Technology Solutions JSC (VETS) -  a company leading in the field of providing energy audit services for businesses.

Mr. Hoang Hai - CEO of Vietnam Technology Solutions JSC (VETS)
How do you assess the awareness of enterprises in the implementation of energy efficiency today?
Mr. Hoang Hai:
Energy audit is an activity to evaluate the current state of energy use in an enterprise from which to propose appropriate energy saving solutions to help businesses use energy more efficiently. Well-implemented energy efficiency brings many benefits to businesses, helping businesses understand the current state of energy use, evaluate the energy consumption and management system, identify areas of use with potential energy savings, thereby build an overall energy saving plan for the business and forecast energy costs for the future.
By implementing solutions to use energy economically and efficiently, enterprises can reduce production costs and increase competitiveness in the market. Besides, the economical and efficient use of energy also helps to protect the environment and build the image of "Green Enterprise", thereby enhancing the reputation of the business, creating a competitive advantage in the international market. 
According to the Law on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy (EE) No. 50/2010/QH12, key energy users are industrial, agricultural, and transport units with total consumption energy in a year converted into tons of oil equivalent to one thousand tons or more (1,000 TOE); construction works used as headquarters, offices and houses; educational, medical, entertainment, physical training and sports establishments; Hotels, supermarkets, restaurants, shops with total energy consumption in a year converted into tons of oil equivalent to five hundred tons or more (500TOE) are required to carry out the energy audit every 3 years.

Energy audits help businesses control energy consumption
However, many enterprises are still not aware of the importance and benefits of implementing energy efficiency, and have not paid much attention to building an energy management system as well as developing an annual plan on EE. Therefore, an energy audit is carried out recklessly in response to the requirements of the State and inspection agencies. The proposed energy-saving solutions in many energy audit reports are not close to the actual situation at the enterprise.
In addition, many businesses are focusing mainly on the development of production and business without paying attention to system optimization and cost reduction, especially energy costs. This leads to businesses not being able to cut production costs from energy-saving activities while increasing energy costs reduce their competitiveness in the market. In short, the energy efficiency market in Vietnam is still developing slowly, leading to the risk of increasing instability in energy security in the context of dramatical lack of energy sources.
So what is the reason why many businesses hesitate to conduct energy audit? And what are the measures to promote businesses to invest in energy-saving solutions?
Mr. Hoang Hai:
We can name few reasons why many businesses hesitate to conduct energy audit as follows:
First, enterprises are not really aware of the benefits of energy audit, with view that is "there is no need for energy audit since our system perform quite wel". They are misunderstanding the basis of energy audit.
Second: The proportion of energy costs in the total cost of production and business of most enterprises remains low, so enterprises have not paid attention to the issue of economical and efficient use of energy.
Third, businesses have not really approached a reputable energy efficiency consulting service unit, ensuring the right quality of service for businesses.
In addition, the management of state agencies in many localities persists firmly, communication and training activities to raise public and business awareness on EE is not really effective.
Regarding measures to encourage businesses to invest in energy-saving solutions, we can consider implementing the following measures:
- Promote the implementation of the National Energy Efficiency Programme, strengthen mechanisms and policies to promote the development of an energy-efficient market.
- Improve the management capacity of local management agencies. Promote the inspection of legal compliance in the field of EE by enterprises, etc.
- Strengthen communication activities to communities and businesses on efficient use of energy.
- Promote the development and implementation of programs, technical and financial support activities in investment in energy conservation solutions.

Energy auditing at the enterprise
Can you share the difficulties that businesses have to face in the process of implementing energy efficiency?
Mr. Hoang Hai:
Enterprises face many difficulties in implementing energy efficiency as well as investing in energy saving solutions. The first is the difficulty in finding and choosing a reputable and qualified consultant. Consulting activity is a very important prerequisite for subsequent investment activities but accessing high-quality consulting services still faces many challenges.
One of the main difficulties is financial difficulty, arranging investment capital for energy saving solutions. Accessing to preferential capital sources when investing in energy efficiency still has many barriers and challenges such as non-preferential or low preferential interest rates, and complicated loan procedures.
So what is the solution for the energy audit at enterprises to be effective?
Mr. Hoang Hai:

In my opinion, in order to improve the quality of energy efficiency as well as investment activities on energy efficiency, businesses need to actively participate in training courses on EE awareness, energy management training, and seek national consulting units for support and implementation of energy saving plans and solutions.
Consulting units need to focus on improving the capacity of consultants, invest in equipment to fully serve energy efficiency, apply qualified energy efficiency processes, and commit provide qualified service for businesses.
In addition, state agencies need to strengthen the management of efficient use of energy, and at the same time promote activities to support businesses in this field, including supporting assist businesses in using energy and consulting units.
Thank you for your sharing!
Vietnam Technology Solutions JSC (VETS) has nearly 15 years of experience in the energy sector and is an active member of key national and international projects and programs on efficient use of energy. 

- Providing energy consulting services: Energy audit, consulting on application of energy management system according to ISO 50001:2018 standard, consulting on implementation of energy saving solutions, technology transferring on economical and efficient use of energy, renewable energy, consulting on sustainable production and consumption in the direction of a circular economy.

- Organizing training courses on Energy Management, Energy Audit, awareness raising training on economical and efficient use of energy, awareness training on energy management according to ISO 50001:2018 standards.

- Implement international projects in the field of energy, consult on formulating and perfecting policies on economical and efficient use of energy, sustainable production and consumption.
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