Wednesday, 23/10/2024 | 22:26 GMT+7

EU plans to ban petrol, diesel cars by 2050


In a move, which is set to face severe opposition from motorists, the EU is planning to ban petrol and diesel powered cars from European cities by 2050. The decision is seen as an attempt by the 27-nation bloc to force people to adopt ‘green’ cars and reduce their dependence on oil. The plan will also help in protecting the environment.

In a move, which is set to face severe opposition from motorists, the EU is planning to ban petrol and diesel powered cars from European cities by 2050. The decision is seen as an attempt by the 27-nation bloc to force people to adopt ‘green’ cars and reduce their dependence on oil. The plan will also help in protecting the environment.

The EU’s executive arm, the European Commission, has said that the plan is to drive out ‘conventionally fueled’ petrol and diesel cars within 40 years and encourage people to use electric or hydrogen powered vehicles, which are non-polluting. The Commission has proposed for a 50 per cent shift away from petrol and diesel powered cars in urban areas by 2030 and a complete removal from roads by 2050. The EC said its aim is to achieve “essentially CO2-free movement of goods in major urban centers by 2030″. The EU is also planning to bring massive improvement in the European transport system in order to increase mobility and reduce emissions.

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As was expected, the motoring groups have expressed unhappiness over the plan saying that is a ploy of the government to impose more taxes and charges on them using ‘green’ measures as a smokescreen. Christopher Monckton, transport spokesman for the UK Independence Party, said: The proposals suggested by Commission take us into the realms of fantasy. They want to ban cars from cities, they want to force everybody onto rail and canals, it is if they have been taken over by the shade of the Victorian engineers. They may as well call for an end to wars and large subsidized chocolate cakes for pre-school infants as to make these impossible self aggrandizing statements.

EU Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas, however, defended the plan saying:The widely held belief that you need to cut mobility to fight climate change is simply not true. Competitive transport systems are vital for Europe’s ability to compete in the world, for economic growth, job creation and for people’s everyday quality of life.
