Tuesday, 01/04/2025 | 04:40 GMT+7

Gov. announces second chance appliance rebate program


Governor Pat Quinn announced that Illinois residents now have a second chance to receive a discount on their purchase of ENERGY STAR-qualified appliances on Sept. 24, during the Illinois ENERGY STAR Replacement Appliance Rebate Program.

Governor Pat Quinn announced that Illinois residents now have a second chance to receive a discount on their purchase of ENERGY STAR-qualified appliances on Sept. 24, during the Illinois ENERGY STAR Replacement Appliance Rebate Program.


"The first round of the Illinois Energy Star Appliance Rebate Program allowed consumers throughout Illinois to reduce their energy consumption while boosting local businesses," said Quinn. "The second and final round will build on that success, further growing our economy while helping the environment."

Through the program, a 15-percent point-of-sale instant rebate is available (up to $250 per appliance) on ENERGY STAR qualified refrigerators, freezers, clothes washers and dishwashers purchased at participating retail stores.


Gov. announces second chance appliance rebate program.gif

These rebates are intended for consumers replacing an old unit; customers must certify that they are purchasing a replacement appliance at the time of purchase.

Appliance rebates will be available beginning at 8 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 24, and will last for as long as funds are available. There are approximately $3 million in appliance rebate funds available for the final round of the program.


Based on the success of the first appliance rebate offer, organizers expect funds to run out the same day (Sept. 24). While most rebates will be given out at the counter, retailers are making them available by phone to people with disabilities.

"The first round of the ENERGY STAR rebate program helped people save money on nearly 47,000 energy-efficient water heaters, HVAC systems and appliances," said Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Director Warren Ribley.


"Our goal is to encourage more people to get rid of those old, inefficient appliances and replace them with more efficient models that will lower energy bills and reduce the state's environmental footprint."


Illinois has received a total of $12.4 million through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) for the ENERGY STAR rebate program.

The first round of the program distributed $9.4 million in rebates, which generated more than $75 million in sales and 1.3 trillion BTUs in lifetime energy savings - the equivalent of taking 1,712 passenger vehicles off the road for one year. Consumers who took advantage of the in-store rebate for refrigerators and freezers were able to receive another $75 rebate by recycling their old appliances.


From April 17 - July 9, 2010, more than 9,400 consumers had their old units hauled away or recycled.


The Illinois ENERGY STAR Appliance Rebate Program is being managed by the Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance on behalf of DCEO. The state also partnered with the Illinois Retail Merchants Association to enroll and coordinate the retailers in the program.


More than 420 retailers are participating in the program.







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