Sunday, 08/09/2024 | 06:59 GMT+7

US invests $23m to boost energy productivity


The US Government is providing millions of dollars to help manufacturers increase the energy efficiency of their facilities in an effort to double energy productivity by 2030.

The US Government is providing millions of dollars to help manufacturers increase the energy efficiency of their facilities in an effort to double energy productivity by 2030.

The Department of Energy is expanding its Clean Energy Manufacturing scheme and is investing $23 million (£14m) in 12 projects to support efficiency upgrades across the country.

It has also launched the Accelerate Energy Productivity 2030 initiative, which will create a national roadmap to grow the nation’s economy while reducing energy costs.


Improvements in manufacturing efficiency – such as reducing vehicle weight through advanced engineering and more efficient heating and cooling technology – will make the US more resilient to supply shocks, security threats and climate concerns, Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said.

He added: “Continued smart investments in advanced manufacturing technologies and the American workforce today will strengthen our competitive edge for decades to come.

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