Saturday, 27/07/2024 | 06:55 GMT+7

New Zealand businesses focusing on energy efficiency


More than 60 of New Zealand’s largest energy-using businesses are now working with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority to save on energy use .

More than 60 of New Zealand’s largest energy-using businesses are now working with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority to save on energy use – representing around 40% of the country’s total business energy use.

It is estimated these partnerships will result in annual savings of 270 gigawatt hours (the annual energy use of all households in Wellington City), annual cost savings of $20 million, and annual carbon savings of 47,000 tonnes (equivalent to taking 17,000 cars off the road).

“Targeting New Zealand’s top energy-using businesses not only yields the greatest gains, but because of their size and prominence, these businesses also provide industry leadership on energy efficiency,” says EECA Business General Manager, Greg Visser.

“Significant energy efficiency opportunities often lie untapped due to barriers such as lack of information, resourcing or capital restraints. EECA Business works to support businesses to take action, as the energy savings they can achieve lead to benefits for all New Zealanders, such as reduced carbon emissions, and less investment required in new electricity generation.”

Mr Visser says that large businesses can reduce energy use by up to 20% every year through good energy management practices.

“Saving energy doesn’t have to be a costly exercise and many businesses have achieved excellent savings by implementing low or no-cost energy efficiency initiatives.” 

Mr Visser says EECA plays a catalyst role in encouraging businesses to save energy, starting with the job of compiling and presenting compelling information to decision-makers showing that investing in energy efficiency makes good business sense, and then supporting those businesses on their energy journey.

“EECA has access to the essential resources and expertise businesses need to plan and deliver energy efficiencies. The tools we use include energy audits, monitoring and targeting support, and energy management planning. Our partnerships with businesses involve direct engagement with senior decision-makers and operational staff to lock-in energy management over the long term.”

Scoop Business



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