It is important to note the success of some of these government-related programs, because they typically don’t get much positive press.
Optimizing system with the most up-to-date laser and camera technology takes global wood processing industry to the next level. For a single debarking line this can mean close to 1 million euros in yearly wood cost savings.
The walls built of energy panels mean savings in heating costs, LED lights cut electricity consumption and an automatic system keeps water consumption under control.
Domestic heating, hot water, lighting, cooking and household appliances account for more than 25% of all energy use in the UK.
An energy management system developed by Bayer uses a structured and systematic approach to help users harness potential energy savings that have already been identified. This is made possible by adapting energy usage to specific production and working conditions.
Researchers at The University of British Columbia (UBC) have helped engineer a new pulp screening technology that is up to 50 percent more energy efficient and is saving Canada’s pulp and paper industry approximately $20 million a year.
Meliá Hotels International's strategy and results in reducing its environmental impact and leading technological innovation in the industry have received the highest recognition at the second annual Best Business Practice Awards.
Renewing the hammers and screen on a mill reduced the energy used per kilogram of grain by 3% and increased milling rate (kg/m) by 5%. Feed grist size distribution was improved. On one of the farms the fan in the hammer mill was replaced following the test, resulting in a marked increase in throughput.
One of the world’s largest solar energy developers has launched a service for UK householders and businesses to install solar arrays at no upfront cost.
The new proposals are to create a single energy market to help the EU lower prices, improve interconnectivity, move towards a lower carbon future, increase energy efficiency and counteract Russia’s ‘monopoly’ on gas supplies to the continent.
DECC is providing another £70 million to fund energy efficiency improvements in households across England and Wales.
The country’s Secretary of the Economy believes it is a safe and important part of Mexico’s energy reforms and it faces little opposition from the public.
It is estimated that sustainable lighting could result in initial energy savings of 50-80 percent and lower annual CO2 emissions by 3,000 – 4,000 tons. Retrofitting will be equivalent to savings of $1.2 – $1.7 million per year in energy costs.
Compared to conventional control methods, the atl Platform can reduce up to 20% of the kW consumed and up to 30% of the overall energy costs of the WWTP.
A new centralized SON (self-organizing network) solution, Nokia iSON Manager provides an energy-saving function to minimize energy consumption of LTE networks. In a pilot project, Nokia iSON Manager helped Korea Telecom save 40 % on its consumption by shutting down particular frequencies when they weren’t needed.
To top off the green changes, in another energy saving move, almost all of the lighting on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower has been converted to LED.
Researchers at Temple University have shown that a strong electric field applied to a section of pipeline can smooth oil flow and yield significant pump energy savings in oil transport. Tests on a section of the Keystone pipeline found that the same flow rate could be achieved with a 75 percent reduction of pump power from 2.8 megawatts to 0.7 megawatts,
In an average year, the demand would have been around 12.5 cubic meters of natural gas equivalents, but that's still less than half compared to the 27 cubic meters which is the reference for energy-efficient tomato cultivation in practice. Still, the standard for tomato cultivation is between 33 to 38 cubic meters.
Fast forward 40 years from the original oil crisis and district heating networks provide heat to a whopping 63% of Danish households. Denmark has become a net exporter of oil and expects to remain so until at least 2018.
Window treatments are not simply for decoration or privacy. Use light colored blinds, shades or drapes to block the sun's rays from heating up the house during the summer, especially on south and west facing windows, and to help keep out cold air in the winter.
The Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Whirlpool Corporation are collaborating to design a refrigerator that could cut energy use by up to 40 percent compared with current models.
The state of Maharashtra is soon expected to have a policy on energy conservation which will promote the use of power saving LED lighting and building up of renewable energy sources.
It’s certainly not well known, but it’s true. Over the past several years HVAC capabilities for business and office buildings have advanced. In fact, performance improvements in overall energy efficiency can be as much as 15% to 25% better than just decade ago, thanks to control technologies.