The VSUEE Project Management Board (PMB) intends to use part of its grant to recruit a qualified consulting firm to assist the PMB in the development, maintenances and administrations of a project website.
C2.1.17: Assessment of EE equipment market, support to EE equipment suppliers on the market identification, business plan development, skill improvement for sales and taking care of customers after sales and awareness raising on the use of high efficiency equipments for IEs
Ref: C2.1.21 - Procurement of Office Equipment under the Vietnam Scaling up Energy Efficiency Project
The Socialist Republic of Vietnam has received a grant from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) through the World Bank (WB) for the Vietnam Scaling Up Energy Efficiency Project (VSUEE Project).
The Socialist Republic of Vietnam has received a grant from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) through the World Bank (WB) for the Vietnam Scaling Up Energy Efficiency Project (VSUEE Project).
The Socialist Republic of Vietnam has received a grant from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) through the World Bank (WB) for the Vietnam Scaling Up Energy Efficiency Project (VSUEE Project).
According to MOIT’s surveys, over 85% of consumers have used or are interested in energy-labeled products by 2020.
Within promotional activities of the Energy Efficiency Program period 2019 - 2030 (VNEEP 3) in 2022, the Steering committee office of energy efficiency (MOIT) organized the “Energy Efficiency - From policy making to action taken” forum.
Until September 2022, according to Northern Electricity Equipment Joint Stock Company (EVNNPC), 3,512 enterprises have joined the Demand Responses (DR). Which, 2,210 clients use below 3 million kWh and 1,302 clients use above 3 million kWh.
The VSUEE Project Management Board (PMB) intends to use part of its grant to recruit a qualiíled individual consultant to assist the PMB in providing specific technical supports to the implementation of the VSUEE activities and providing technical inputs to the deliverables and project outputs. The assignment is expected to start in December 2022 with the contract duration of 38 months.
Director of Energy conservation research and development center Mã Khai Hiền shared about obstacles that prevent energy efficiency in industrial sector and promotional mechanisms.
Implementing energy efficiency activities helps ensure energy supply for production and sustainable development goals.
While implementing Directive No. 20 on enhancing electricity savings in the period 2020-2025, numerous enterprises face problems relating to finance.
The Hanoi International Exhibition of Environment and Energy Technology 2022 (ENTECH HANOI 2022) opened in the capital city on October 26.
Mr. Trịnh Quốc Vũ, Deputy Director of Department of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Trade and Industry (MOIT), commended that though most enterprises are aware of energy efficiency’s significant role, there is still a gap between awareness and action.
Playing the leading role in implementing energy efficiency activities, Vietnam Electricity (EVN) has boosted energy efficiency measures for customers and communities in various ways.
Directive No. 20 on enhancing energy efficiency (EE) in the period 2020 - 2025 is a crucially prerequisite for achieving the National Program on Energy Efficiency goals in the period 2019-2030 (VNEEP3). In particular, implementing Directive No. 20 also contributes to the goals of Viet Nam’s pledge in the Paris Agreement on responding to global climate change.
The energy intensity of Vietnam is currently at a much higher level than the world average, and it is high time for the country to end the wasteful use of energy, according to experts.
An award programme was launched in Hanoi on August 26, seeking to honour energy efficient industrial enterprises, construction works, and products.
By conducting energy audits, enterprises acknowledge what creates energy loss, hence making appropriate energy-efficient measures to improve effectiveness, reduce costs, and diminish environmental impact.
Good energy management practices not only save cost, optimize production, and enhance productivity but also help enterprises meet the authorities’ requirement of carbon emission reductions.
Mr. Loui Algren, Long-term Advisor of the Denmark-Vietnam Energy Partnership Program, shared his ideas about the most profound lessons from Denmark, how they can be applied in Vietnam, as well as some DEPP's activities to assist the Vietnamese green transition.
The Embassy of Denmark is looking for a short-term local consultant to support a study on adaptation to the wholesale market and demand response actors.